If there’s one problem with philanthropy, it is that one’s good trust in humanity is constantly being attacked by miserable reality. Most folk discard the whole concept of human good...
Kel Wearne, also known as Captain Flashbulb, was Australia’s answer to Hunter S Thompson, and throughout the 1970s and early 1980s was very prolific in Two Wheels, writing epic long...
Peter Smith wrote tests, features, fiction and, most notably, the Mr Smith column for Two Wheels from 1985 until his death in 2009, aged 57. His early columns, from 1985-1988,...
I've been writing/talking about motorcycles through magazines, video and radio (AMCN, Radio Rider and Motorcycle Trader, among others) and on the web since 1984 and have accidentally become a collector. Or just...
Jeff Fereday was an Australian author, artist and playwright. From 1985 to 1991, he wrote the Random Lines column for Two Wheels. Jeff died in 1996, aged 35. This tribute...
You know the scene which is stuck on the end of all motor racing films? The one where the hero wanders out on to the deserted track opposite the grandstands....
It has been said that every man alive, from dunny cleaner to High Court judge, has at some stage in his life dreamed of rolling down the road on a...
Perhaps 30 years is long enough. It should be. Most of the people involved are dead or wrong in the head by now, and that's just my mates. The few...
Yamaha has claimed for years that its two stroke twins are the next best thing to TZ racers with lights. Well, that may be open to discussion, but the RZ500...
Being as I spend most of my time on, under, dismantling, dreaming about, scheming about, lying about, lying next to, sliding next to, sweating over and swearing at motorcycles of...
The concept of a "special touring mount" is one quite new to motorcycling - a result of the specialisation of the breed. Sure, you can still buy an all-rounder -...
Long-time readers of this illustrious rag may remember Lester Morris' tales of memorable rides in the late Fifties with his mate Fred. Well, we recently heard from Lester again, and...
Suzuki’s water-cooled triple is no boulevard brainsnapper. You lose at the lights, but win the race in open touring country – or just with suavely-styled good looks! Derek Pickard reports....
SO you want to be a road tester, huh? Piece of cake, lots of fun, any idiot could do it. We get a lot of mail wondering how we do...
At last a Japanese factory has brought its engineering expertise to bear on the production of a true sports/touring motorcycle. The company is Kawasaki and the bike is the 1000GTR....