Mr Smith: The Education of Young Smith
Oh how distant seems the day when I first became absorbed by the mystique of our mutually beloved form of transport, the sublime Motorbicycle. How many are the years which...
Oh how distant seems the day when I first became absorbed by the mystique of our mutually beloved form of transport, the sublime Motorbicycle. How many are the years which...
“What did you think about during the ride?” Guido and I are finally sitting on the verandah of the Tintaldra Pub after seven hours of more-or-less constant road time. He...
“Ah, it’s those pricks again. Quick, John, chuck this sheet over ya bike." Mid-stroke the coffee cup got diverted to the bike lift as I stood up and flicked the...
Things have been quiet in the office for getting on an hour, ever since the Iced VoVos ran out. Only the incessant whirr of Boggles’ nicotine-stained fingers punching out news...
There’s no doubt about it. I’m a typical tradesman. Well, it’s not that I’m a real tradesman. I left the Fixing Things business shortly before The Powers That Be declared...
With care born of years of painful experience I raised the eyelid covering my left eye, at the same time making a concerted effort to restrain the eyeball located therein...
Kel Wearne hit Amaroo Park in Sydney and discovered that what makes a bike work well on the open road doesn't necessarily make it a race winner. And vice versa....
"What are you doing?” I'm trying to concentrate - that's what I'm doing. "Why are you fixing those old boots? Doesn't TW pay you enough for a new pair every...
If there’s one problem with philanthropy, it is that one’s good trust in humanity is constantly being attacked by miserable reality. Most folk discard the whole concept of human good...
Perhaps 30 years is long enough. It should be. Most of the people involved are dead or wrong in the head by now, and that's just my mates. The few...
Being as I spend most of my time on, under, dismantling, dreaming about, scheming about, lying about, lying next to, sliding next to, sweating over and swearing at motorcycles of...
Long-time readers of this illustrious rag may remember Lester Morris' tales of memorable rides in the late Fifties with his mate Fred. Well, we recently heard from Lester again, and...
Lance is rolling down the South Gippsland highway heading for the GP at Philip Island. His legendary CB750 chopper, ‘The Mantis’, is purring. The sun is out and he’s on...
As some of you may know, I’m a fan (which is, incidentally, an abbreviation of “fanatic,” which the Oxford tells me means "filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm." I'm not...
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